Check Website Webserver

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Website WebServer Check:

Our Website Web Server Tool provides an easy-to-use and efficient way to unveil the essential part of a website, a web server.

Find out what server a website is running and check what software a website uses on its web server to analyze the performance of various web servers.

Per our own SEO experience, website speed and server performance indirectly help to rank quickly in Search Engine results. Therefore, selecting the right web hosting plan and the correct web server software is essential from an SEO perspective. Because it directly & indirectly affects user experience. Other factors that can also play a role in SEO are SSL certificate and schema markup.

Which Operating Systems are available for servers?

The website operating system (OS) is an operating system that a website/domain uses on its backend server. A Web server operating system interfaces between the server's hardware and the software.

The web server needs an operating system that helps them efficiently manage the web resources and execute the various backend tasks for the website.

Without the OS, you cannot run anything, and your computer server is just a collection of electronics that does not know how to communicate with the rest of the world.

Some popular web server operating systems are

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Unix
  • Linux
  • Ubuntu
  • Open SUSE
  • Fedora
  • Debian
  • Mandriva
  • Slackware
  • Gentoo
  • CentOS
  • BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)

What is a Web Server?

The word server means the one that serves the things. A web server means the software and hardware that serves the website.

The web server is the one that is always connected to the internet. Each web server on the internet has a specific numeric address called an IP address.

When registering a domain or website address, you must mention the web server's IP address serving your website in your domain registrar.

There are four leading web servers.

  • Apache Server
  • IIS (Internet Information Services)
  • LiteSpeed Web Server
  • Nginx

The most used and famous web server software is Apache, with 30% of all websites running on Apache.

Apache is so renowned that it is free to use and is open source, meaning you can modify the software however you'd like. Other web servers are locked down, and you need help to make the changes easily.

What is the difference between a web server and a web host?

People mostly intermixed these two terms, but they are different from each other.

  • Web hosting uses web servers to store the web pages; the web server is a computer that servers those web pages.
  • Web hosting is a facility provided by a server. One web server can host many customers' websites on that server.
  • A web host, or web hosting service provider, provides the technologies and services required to view the website or webpage online. A Web server is a program that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to serve web resources to users.
  • Computer servers that host the web server software are the assets of a web hosting company.
  • Web hosting is a company that hosts the website on its server.

How to use the Check Website Webserver Tool to get the webserver information?

The process is simple; do the following steps.

  • Open the Check Website Webserver Tool.
  • Enter the domain name or the IP of that website.
  • Click on the "Find it" button.
  • The tool will provide you with the name of the webserver behind that domain name.

Note: Suppose a website is behind a front-end cloud proxy service like Cloudflare. In that case, you will see the OS of the Cloudflare server instead of the website's original server.


What is a web server check tool?

A web server check tool helps you find which web server any domain or website uses. Some examples are,,,,, and

Who can use a web server check tool?

Web server check tools are helpful for many individuals. It is beneficial for:

  • Website Administrators and Developers
  • System Administrators and IT Professionals
  • Security Professionals
  • Web Hosting Providers
  • Web Service Providers and Agencies
  • Business Owners and Website Managers
  • Students and Learners