Broken Link Checker

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About this tool:

Find the dead links on any website by using a free online broken link checker tool.

Optimize the websites user experience by auditing the external and internal links on the website. Suppose you are browsing a website and click on any hyperlink. But what if the landing page shows you a 404 error message. What would be your reaction? You will be dissatisfied with the result and will leave that page. That results in a negative user experience.

What does it mean by the broken links?

Broken links are the dead links on your website. Those links no longer work for the website or the links that route you to the webpage, having a 404 error.

The broken links can be internal and external broken links.

  • The broken internal links are the links on your website that routes you to your websites landing page, having a 404 error.
  • The broken external links are the links on your website that routes you to another websites landing page, having a 404 error.

What causes broken links on a website?

Several common causes result in the form of broken links on a website.

Some of them are

  • An invalid URL may be entered as a link.
  • The URL is formatted in the wrong way.
  • The webmaster deletes the web page, or it is modified and not updated.
  • The webmaster permanently moved the web page to a new URL and forgot to correct it.
  • The webmaster temporarily or permanently removes the web pages.
  • The user manually entered the wrong URL of the web page in the browser.
  • The webmaster uses some firewall or other software to block the webpage.

How broken links hurt your SEO?

When people visit links to or from your website, they expect some content on that landing page.

The same scenario with Google. When the Google bot crawls a webpage, it uses the links on that particular webpage to jump to other web pages on that website or out of that website.

But what if they find a broken link or 404-page error. It will affect the user experience and affects your websites loving relations with Google, which means your SEO.

When the user lands on the webpage that is broken or dead, it will

  • Leave that website results in bounce rate increment.
  • Give a negative rating about that website on different social media platforms.
  • Share negative user experiences with others.

How to find the broken links on your website by using the online website broken link checker tool?

  • Open the online website broken link checker tool.
  • Enter the specific page URL.
  • Click on the "Check" button.
  • It will give you a detailed report of all the links present on that URL. The information includes the link type (internal or external), its status (broken or not), and whether that link is do-follow or no-follow.

How to fix broken links on your website?

To fix the broken links on your website.

  • First, check the broken links on your website.
  • Then deeply analyze why this is happening.
  • As per the analysis, update or modify the URL(s), or redirect them to some other web pages so the link juice and user experience may not get affected.