Website Link Checker - Link Analyzer for Websites

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About this tool:

Perform the in-depth link analysis. Find no-follow and do-follow links along with anchor text from a webpage or website. Use the website link checker tool for auditing the internal and external links of the website.

The links are the navigators that allow the user to move from one webpage to another. There are two types of links.

  • Internal links are the links that route you to the webpage of the same website.
  • External links are the links that route you to the webpage of another website.

Even Google bots use the links as navigators during the crawling process. Either you are auditing the links because of the Google algorithm updates or performing a regular link audit.

The free link analyzer tool makes the process relatively simple. Just enter the URL. The tool will perform the link audit and provide you with a total number of internal and external links and no-follow and do-follow links along with anchor text from a web page or website.

However, before the link audit, you must have an understanding of the following terms.

  • Link Juice refers to the authority that other websites or the webpage of your website transfer to your webpage or website.
  • Having a dofollow link means that another website or another webpage of your website is authorizing your webpage or websites link and sharing its authority with your webpage or website.
  • Having a nofollow link means that another website permits your website or web pages link to be its part. Still, that website is not sharing its authority with your website or webpage.

Do dofollow and nofollow links help in SEO?

Dofollow links continually improve trust with Google because those links share the link juice with your webpage or website, which means that other websites and webpages are putting their trust in you.

Nofollow links do not provide any assistance in getting a better rank in Google SERPs. The user only follows those links, but they did not pass any authority to the destined URL. Even Google, while crawling, crawls that links but do not pass on any ranking to the landing URL.

Focus on trust-building

Early on, SEOs recognized the value of the backlinks in the eye of Google and other search engines. Therefore, their main focus was to create as many backlinks as possible. That situation created an opportunity for some people to make money by constructing suspicious link farms and created spammy backlinks for the unaware webmasters.

The situation became even worse because it affected the authentic blogger sites encouraging participation in blog discussions.

With time, Google updated its ranking algorithm and bought the concept of nofollow. All the links that were from the suspicious websites were marked as nofollow, and all those links were de-indexed.

The fear of nofollow and de-indexing caused worries for web admins, and they stopped purchasing links from unqualified sources. They relied on credible sources to get links for their website.

Today, some people think that backlinking is dead. But thats not true. Backlinking is still an important ranking factor, but it should be from an authoritative and relevant website. This guide will help you in building links the right way.

Websites also welcome the comments, but now most of the websites activate the moderation process to avoid spam.

Always focus on trust-building. And you can achieve this if you give importance to your user. Try to write healthy content, the content that provides a solution to the users problem. Google always welcomes whitehat SEO.

Even today, Wikipedia is quite picky about the reference links. But if you have high-quality content. Wikipedia always welcomes that reference link. Even though that link contains the nofollow tag, having the link from such an authoritative website always boosts your ranking.

How to use the website link checker tool to analyze the links of a website?

To perform the link analysis. Do the following steps.

  • Open the website linker checker tool.
  • Enter the URL of the webpage or domain.
  • Check the links you want to analyze. Select between Outbound links, Internal links, or both.
  • After selecting the links to analyze, click on the "Find" button.
  • The tool will perform the audit and provides you the total number of links (internal and external) and the total number of no follow and do follow links along with anchor text on that particular URL.

Note: It is always advised to regularly perform the website links audit to overcome any links-related problem at the start. Sometimes, you give the nofollow or dofollow tag to that link, to whom you do not want. Therefore, link auditing always helps.