Email Verifier

Results For:

The Email Server for this Email Address is Valid and working.

Ops! Error The mail server behind this Email Address is not working or not valid. Please try another email address.

About this tool:

Verify if a given email address is on a working mail server or not. If the mail server does not respond appropriately, the tool will show an error here.

Email Address Verification tool verifies an entered email address for a valid email server and checks whether it can receive an email or not. The incorrectly configured email server can lead to all incoming emails being automatically rejected.

In domain DNS records, the MX records are the ones that tell which email servers are responsible for receiving the emails on the domains behalf.

The email server provided in the MX record should also respond to the VRFY and RCPT commands; otherwise, this tool invalidates the email server and may not give expected results.

Why are Emails so important?

Today, we adopt several forms of communication. Email is one of the fundamental ways to communicate, especially with your potential clients.

Among the B2B audience, email is the third most influential form of communication.

If you have an Android or iOS device, then you must have an active email account. The stat shows that in 2019 there were approximately 3 billion email users worldwide and will reach the number of 4.3 billion in 2023.

Gmail grabbed the most market share, with 43% of the email service market share.

Therefore, you cannot deny the importance and advantages of email. I cannot grab them all, but some of the essential points are

  • With a single click, you can deliver your desired message to the chosen recipient.
  • With time, email providers are working to make that communication network more secure and safe and providing several free services, like managing the contacts, speedily sending the email, and managing your email history, emails, and many more.
  • Email is environment-friendly. You can send the graphics, or several other documents with a single click, without any physical papers involvement.
  • Email allows you to send the message to the masses with a single click regardless of the distance. It also helps you access your important documents and files within no time, as long as you have internet.
  • You can send the same message to several persons with a single click, and your message will be stored in the recipients email box until its ready to read it.
  • You can keep a record of messages, their replies, including details of when you received a message.
  • Email increases efficiency, productivity, and your business visibility and readiness.
  • Being a part of the customers inbox is the top priority. Today, the majority of email account holders are pretty obsessed with spam emails. Having a professional email address at one end builds a trusty relation with the customers and, at the second end, distinguishes you from the spammers. It decreases the risk of being marked as spam.

How to verify an email address online?

Email verification is essential to ensure that the actual person is there, with a valid email address that will receive the email. The email address verification tool goes for MX records stored in the domain registrar. The email server provided in the MX record should also respond to the VRFY and RCPT commands; otherwise, this tool invalidates the email server and may not give expected results.

To verify an email address, perform the following steps.

  • Open the Email Address Verification Tool.
  • Enter an email address in the space provided for that, and click on the "Check Now" button.
  • The tool validates if a given email address is on a working mail server or not. If the mail server does not respond appropriately, it will show an error here.