SLA Uptime Calculator

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About this tool:

Enter an SLA percentage and discover how much Downtime costs your business. SLA & Uptime Calculator is an efficient tool that calculates the Downtime of your business based on your provided Uptime or SLA (Service Level Agreement) percentage.

What is Uptime, and what does it mean?

Uptime measures the amount of time for which a machine or service is online, available, and operational.

SLA or Uptime indicates the amount of time a machine or service remains available, usually for the year. Uptime is expressed in percentage. Suppose a company provides an Uptime of 99%, which means their service will expect to be down 1%, or 3.65 days over a year.

Guaranteed Uptime is expressed as SLA level and is usually the most vital metric to measure the quality of a hosting provider.

When your server is down, your business will suffer productivity loss, reduced revenue, missed opportunities, and a damaged reputation. You have worked hard to grow your business and reputation. Therefore, do not take chances with a hosting provider that cannot deliver the highest levels of Uptime.

How to use the SLA & Uptime Calculator?

To use that, perform the following steps.

  • Open the SLA & Uptime Calculator.
  • The tool provides you two options; "Percentage to Time" and "Time to Percentage."
  • If you select "Percentage to Time," then enter the Uptime or SLA percentage. The tool provides you the Downtime in Per Day, Per Week, Per Month, and Per Year.
  • If you select "Time to Percentage," then enter Day, Hour, Minutes, and Seconds values. The tool provides you the Uptime in percentage value.

Suppose a hosting provider advertised SLA uptime of 99.9% gives the following possible periods of Downtime:

  • Per Day 1 minutes 26 seconds
  • Per Week 10 minutes 5 seconds
  • Per Month 43 minutes 50 seconds
  • Per Year 8 hours 45 minutes 57 seconds

What are the leading causes for Downtime?

Severs can go down for several reasons. But some majors causes are

  • Hardware failure: Hardware or equipment failures can range from the cooling system to faulty UPS battery systems breakdowns. Facilities with high Uptime routinely monitor their equipment to ensure that they are in the best condition and maintain extensive hardware checks to protect against possible failures.
  • Human error: Either through mistake or omission, human error remains among the leading causes of Downtime. Routine practices, advancing education, and strict accountability policies can help service providers deliver excellent Uptime.
  • Software failure: Out-of-date operating systems or applications can take down an entire network in any circumstances. Comprehensive diagnostics and routine checks are necessary to deliver high levels of Uptime.
  • Cyber attacks: From viruses and ransomware to DDoS attacks, hackers are always looking for opportunities to steal data or shut down systems. Comprehensive diagnostics and routine checks can mitigate the threats of cyber attacks to deliver high levels of Uptime.
  • Natural disasters: Good data centers are always ready for any natural disasters. Extensive checks and data protection help them prepare to maintain Uptime no matter what natural disaster comes in their way.

Some web hosting companies provide actual Uptime as promised. However, some only mention their service Uptime on their website, but they do not say that in their terms of agreement contract. So, if they failed to provide the Uptime as mentioned on their website, nothing will happen.

Calculations: Uptime Percentage to Downtime

Nines Monthly Downtime
99% Two nines equal 7 hours and 17 minutes
99.9% Three nines equal 43 minutes and 50 seconds
99.99% Four nines equal 4 minutes 23 seconds
99.999% Five nines equal 26 seconds
99.9999% Six nines equal 3 seconds