IPv6 Compression & Shortener

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About this tool:

IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) is the latest version of the IP address. It is basically in 128-bit address format and is represented in hexadecimal notation. There are eight fields in IPv6 hexadecimal notation, separated by a colon (:) and each field consists of 16 bits.

Hence, total bits are 8 x 16 = 128 bits

An example of an expanded IPv6 address is: 2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888

How do I shorten an IPv6 address?

The online tools make the process relatively easy. They apply all the above rules and give you the final compressed IPv6 address.

To compress or shorten the IPv6 address, perform the following steps.

  • Open the tool: IPv6 Compression & Shortener Tool.
  • Enter an IPv6 address. Suppose you enter that IPv6 address 1234:0fd2:5621:0001:0089:0000:0000:4500
  • After entering, click on the "Compress IPv6" button.
  • The tool will process your request and give you the compressed IPv6 address 1234:fd2:5621:1:89::4500.

IPv6 Compression Rules

With time, people are shifting from IPv4 to IPv6 addresses and also perform IPv4 to IPv6 conversion. But IPv6 addresses are lengthy and challenging to use. Consider a situation where you have to ping the expanded IPv6 address to check the network connectivity. Its a pain in typing all those hexadecimal characters in the IPv6 address.

Therefore, several rules are developed to compress and shorten the IPv6 address for convenience of the user.

Rules to compress IPv6 address are

  • Rule 1: When there are continuous zeros (0s) in the IPv6 address notation, they are replaced with ::. This rule is also known as zero compression.

    For example,

    Original IPv6 = ef82:0000:0000:0000:0000:1a12:1234:1b12

    Compressed IPv6 = ef82::1a12:1234:1b12

  • Rule 2: Leading zeros (0s) in the 16 bits field can be removed. But each block in which you do this, have at least one number remaining. If the field contains all zeros (0s), you have to leave one zero (0) remaining.

    Removing leading zeros (0s) does not have any effect on the value. However, you cannot apply this rule to trailing zeros (0s). This rule is also known as leading zero compression.

    For example,

    Original IPv6 = 1234:0fd2:5621:0001:0089:0000:0000:4500

    Compressed IPv6 = 1234:fd2:5621:1:89:0:0:4500

  • Rule 3: When zeros (0s) are present in discontinuous pattern in IPv6 address notation, then at only one junction, the zeros (0s) are replaced with ::.

    For example,

    Original IPv6 = 2001:1234:0000:0000:1b12:0000:0000:1a13


    IPv6 = 2001:1234::1b12:0:0:1a13


    IPv6 = 2001:1234:0:0:1b12::1a13