Date Calculator

Calculate days between dates using our efficient date calculator. Just enter the date range, and our date range calculator will fetch the seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years for you.

Calculated Days

From: Sun Aug 07 2022 02:03:00 GMT+0500 (Pakistan Standard Time)

To: Thu Aug 25 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0500 (Pakistan Standard Time)

2 Years, 7 Days, 1 Hrs, 55 Mins


OR :

1 Years ,105 Days


OR :

53 Weeks ,105 Days


OR :
OR :
OR :
OR :
OR :
OR :
OR :
OR :
Ops! Error

Date Counter - Count Days, Months, and Years between any date range

Our date calculator tool lets you find out the exact number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds between any two dates. You can find out the interval that has passed between any two dates at specific times, such as 10 P.M. 7th July 1988 till 5 P.M. 18th January 2012.

This days calculator comes with many different options and settings that you can adjust to find out the precise time between two dates.

There are many different instances where you may need to find the days between dates, such as when you’re planning a travel itinerary or an event, calculating deadlines, working out payments and invoices for a time period, and more. Our tool provides you with a free solution for all of these purposes.

How to use our online date calculator?

Here are the steps that you can follow to use our online date counter:

  1. Open the Date Duration Calculator.

  2. Enter the starting date in the field marked “From Date

  3. Enter the ending date in the field marked “To Date”.

  4. Specify the start time (if needed / available).

  5. Specify the end time (if needed / available).

  6. Check the “Include All Days” if you need it. If you deselect it, you can then specify which days of the weekend should be included in the counting process.

  7. Check or uncheck the “Include End Day?” as per your requirement.

  8. Click on the “Calculate Date” button to start the process.

With these steps, you will be able to work out the time between any two dates.

What are some excellent features of our date counter tool?

Here are some of the main features provided by our tool:

Provides time in various formats

Our tool provides the time between dates in various formats. You can view the time in the form of:

  • Years, days, hours, minutes

  • Years, days

  • Weeks, days

  • Century

  • Years only

  • Months only

  • Weeks only

  • Days

  • Hours

  • Minutes

  • Seconds

  • Milliseconds

Thanks to all of these different formats, you can enter and specify the time between two dates in any way that you like. You don’t have to perform any conversions yourself.

Easy access buttons for the “Copy” function

If you want to copy the data to your clipboard, you can do it easily by using the easy access buttons. A copy button is provided in front of the time details. Thanks to this feature, you don’t have to manually select the details with your cursor and then use the CTRL + C shortcut or anything.

Specify the end time and start time

Even though our tool is a date counter, it allows you to specify the exact times on the start and end dates. You can choose the time down to the minutes and seconds. When the interval between the dates is calculated, the exact time will also be provided.

User-friendly calendar selection

Our tool makes it very easy for you to select the start and end dates. Instead of typing the dates out by using your keyboard, you can simply make the selection using the user-friendly calendar widget.

What are some uses of our date calculator tool?

Here are some instances where you can calculate date using our online tool:

  • When you want to work out tenure or job duration for a resume: If you are making a resume or a CV, you need to add the exact duration that you’ve spent at a particular organization or company. Instead of spending time working it out yourself, you can enter your joining date and your departure date in our online tool.

  • When you want to calculate time for billing a client/creating an invoice: If you provide long-term services to your clients, you can use our date calculator to work out the exact time duration that you need to create an invoice for.

  • When you need to calculate the duration of a subscription: Our online date counter can also be very useful when you have to calculate the duration of a subscription. You can enter the starting date of the subscription along with the specified ending date to work out the total duration.


How to convert days into years, months, and weeks?

Here is how you can convert days into years, months, and weeks.

To convert days into years, you have to divide the number of days by 365. This is because one year contains 365 days. For example, 400 days would be equal to 1.09 years.

To convert days into months, you have to divide the number of days by 30 or 31. This is because one month typically contains 30 or 31 days. For example, 100 days would be: 100 ÷ 30 = 3.3 months.

To convert days into weeks, you have to divide the number of days by 7. For example, 21 days would be 3 weeks.

What does the “Include Last Day?” option do?

This option can be enabled or disabled. When this option is enabled, the last day, i.e., in the interval specified, is counted in the total duration. For example, if the dates entered are from 11th July to 12th July, the duration will be one day if the “Include Last Day” option is not enabled. Otherwise, the duration will be two days because the last day, “12th July,” will be counted.

Is the date calculator free to use?

Yes, our date calculator tool is completely free to use. There are no limits that you need to worry about, nor do you have to sign up compulsorily.

How can I only count the weekends between two dates?

With our tool, you can count the weekends between two dates by first unchecking the “Include All Days” option and then only selecting “Saturday” and “Sunday”.